Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hwaseong Fortress (pt 2)

Last weekend we spent another day exploring the Hwaseong Fortress. We started at an archery point where we go to test out our archery skills. Ten rounds only cost about $1.50. Koreans are traditionally very good archers, so throughout the wall you will see archery points. There was a school group that was there (on a Saturday) and so we were amongst the oldest people giving the archery a try.

You can vaguely see the wall in the background.

Andrew hit the target!

We then took a ride on the trolley around a portion of the wall. I didn't have a very good angle for a lot of pictures, but at least this gave us an idea of where we want to go back to walk on the wall.

Myself, Andrew, and Lainy.

Waiting for the trolley to take off.

The fall colors were so beautiful. Notice the busy city in the background, and the quiet wall in the foreground.

Can you see the wall in the back?

We got dropped off near a traditional looking building. The signs were all in Korean so we aren't sure what the building was.

The pretty fall colors going up to the top of the mountain.

I am tall. This door is not.

On the taxi ride home. See how the wall is lit up... the whole wall is completely lit up. The first time we saw the wall it was at night. Its very impressive seeing the whole long wall at night. We want to try walking on it when it is dark. A different experience, I'm sure!

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